Adam Robert was born on Friday, February 16th at 10:40 PM, weighing 7lbs. 4oz. and 20 and 1/2 inches long. Many of you are asking about how my labor went, well here it is!
I started having contractions off and on all day Friday, but didn't really think that I was in labor. So, Eric and I went out for Mexican that night as planned(I figured spicy food would help move the process along) while we were at dinner I was still having contractions but I didn't really think anything of it since they were so sporadic. Eric was a wreck at dinner. I decided when I got home I would just call the Dr. to let him know that I was having contractions, he then told me to go to the hospital to have them check me. I thought they would send me home and I would just relax and watch Greys Anatomy and get some sleep(by the way I haven't watched it yet, thank god for DVR). We went to the hospital and by the time they got me admitted and all that jazz it was 8ish and they told me I was 7cm dilated. My labor was so fast that I couldn't believe that he had arrived almost 3 hours later.
Ean is loving being a big brother. He helps change his diapers and bath him. He is really is cute with him. Except for a little sleep deprivation we are all doing very well.
Ean is loving being a big brother. He helps change his diapers and bath him. He is really is cute with him. Except for a little sleep deprivation we are all doing very well.
good job beck! congratulations! he is a beautiful boy just like his brother! let me know when the dust settles, i'd love to come and visit!
Hey Eric and Bex! Congratulations - you have the two most adorable boys in the world! Talk to you soon. xoxoxo
I can't wait to meet Adam and see Ean being a big brother! Wow- family of four now! Congrats and wonderful news about the quick labor. I am so jealous and hope mine is as quick the 2nd time around!
Congratulations! That's a fine looking family ya got there!
best wishes from TN
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