Wednesday, April 4, 2007


We took the trip to Nana's for Passover this past weekend. Ean had a blast with all of his cousins and didn't want to leave yesterday. Adam experienced his first Passover and met a few family members for the first time. Adam is getting bigger by the day, I can't believe that he is 6 1/2 weeks old, where does the time go?
With cousin Skylar and Alexandra

Adam w/ his auntie's and cousin Taylor

With his Great Nana Jeanne

Ean loves his cousin Jacob

6 1/2 weeks old, 11 pounds

Ean w/ Auntie TJ

Outside enjoying the Spring weather, where did it go?

Nap time!

The LaRochelle Boys

1 comment:

cash's mom said...

too cute! let's make plans for next weekend?